January 27, 2020 (Nyala) Seven people were sentenced to death Monday by a court in Nyala, South Darfur, after being found guilty of killing nine people in September , 2017,  in the area of Tobasi, 43km south of Nyala, South Darfur.  The trial, which started in November 2017, lasted 25Continue Reading

North Darfur government is planning to confiscate all unregistered vehicles after expiration of the two-week time limit.  The authorities confirmed that after the end of the two-week period, any vehicle that does not have plate number will be confiscated.  The Governor of North Darfur state, Major General  Malik Al-Tayeb Khojali,Continue Reading

The Joint Special Representative/Joint Chief Mediator, Jeremiah Mamabolo , said  UNAMID and the government of Sudan  agreed to immediately reactivate a joint security mechanism in Darfur  that will allow for speedy security related consultations and decisions. According to UNAMID,   the development follows meetings JSR Mamabolo held in the SudaneseContinue Reading

The committee of  Krinding IDP Camp in El-Geneina, West Darfur, described the conditions of the displaced people  in the temporary shelters as disastrous , while confirming that residents of 15 villages have fled to  neighboring Chad.  However, residents of Krinding camp for  displaced people , have taken shelter in schoolsContinue Reading

South Darfur security  forces on Sunday seized   amounts of smuggled  goods at Dalal Anqara checkpoint 35km west of Nyala  , South Darfur. .   In a press statement, the director of State security police, Colonel Hashim Saleh, explained  that the security forces were able to seize 28 barrels of fuel,Continue Reading

The Sudanese Cabinet announced on Saturday that it had taken a number of measures to control prices and protect consumers. However, the cabinet’s decision comes amid   unprecedented price hike that the country has witnessed over the past few days.  According to Minister of Information ,Faisal Muhammad Saleh, the CouncilContinue Reading

On Saturday evening, a delegation of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations ,led by Mrs. Karen Bass, Chair of the Sub-Committee for Africa, arrived in El-Fasher, North Darfur.  According to the head of the delegation, the purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with  the overall situationContinue Reading

The Director General of the United Nations Development Program UNDP, Achim Steiner, confirmed today (Sunday) the commitment of the United Nations system to assist Sudan, especially in the areas of humanitarian and development aid.  The visiting UNDP Chief affirmed that   his agency is determined to provide capacity-building  support toContinue Reading

The Sudanese government and SPLM-N led by Malik Agar signed a framework agreement on Friday, pertaining to South Kordofan and the Blue Nile .  The deal which was signed at the  presidential palace in the capital of South Sudan, Juba, included  principles of security arrangements, land ownership , the rightContinue Reading

Saudi Arabia has lifted a hundred-day temporary ban imposed on the import of all types of live animals from Sudan.  The ministry said the decision to lift the ban came after studying and evaluating the epidemiological health status of the disease in Sudan.       The Saudi Ministry of Agriculture affirmedContinue Reading