February 20, 2020 (Khartoum) The General Command of the Armed Forces revealed the reasons for retiring First Lieutenant Mohamed Siddiq Ibrahim. The Sudanese army stressed that the motives for his retirement are derived from laws regulating the work of the armed forces. A decision was taken Tuesday, to retireContinue Reading

February 19, 2020 (Khartoum) The Sudanese Finance Minister, Ibrahim Al-Badawi, announced on Wednesday that the Friends of Sudan Economic Conference will be postponed to next June, instead of April, as scheduled. In the Swedish capital, Stockholm, on Tuesday, the second conference of the Friends of Sudan group was held toContinue Reading

  February 19, 2020 (Khartoum) On Tuesday, a military court at  the General Command of the Armed Forces in Khartoum, has brought five charges against the army colonel Ali Rizkallah. The Colonel was captured in November 2017, after fierce battles between its forces and the Rapid Support Forces in theContinue Reading

  February 18, 2020 (Al-Geneina) A displaced person from Krinding camp in Al-Geneina, West Darfur , was stabbed to death Monday, in mysterious circumstances. A source told Darfur 24 that the dead man was working in one of the bread bakeries and his body was found in the Al-Thawra neighborhood,Continue Reading

  February 17, 2020 (Khartoum) A delegation from the International Criminal Court  “ICC”arrived in the capital Khartoum Monday,  to discuss  extradition of  ousted president to the Hague based court. Spokesperson for the Sudanese Transitional Government, Minister of Information,  Faisal Mohamed Salih, has put two options for extradition of the oustedContinue Reading

February 17, 2020 (El-fashir) Medical staff in the Kabkabiya hospital embarked on strike Monday to protest against dismissal of two doctors by director general of Kabkabiya rural hospital. Protesters say they will not return to work unless the general director withdraw his decision with regard to the dismissal of theContinue Reading

Armed militias are preventing residents of Gili village, 15 km northeast of Tawila, North Darfur, from collecting firewood from their farms . Displaced people community leader in Tawila locality, Mukhtar Bosh, said in a telephonic conversation with Darfur 24, that armed militia members riding camels and horses had prevented theContinue Reading

February 16, 2020 (Khartoum) On Sunday,  Anti-Corruption and Financial Investigation Prosecution, summoned the ousted president, Omar al-Bashir, for questioning over corruption charges. The public prosecution investigated, the ousted president, over his relationship with some influential people of the Islamic movement and their link with some international terrorist elements. Omar al-BashirContinue Reading