The head of the sovereign council in Sudan, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan,  said Wednesday January 15, 2020 that what happened in the country was a mutiny , stressing that the deep state was still  existing in all parts of Sudan. In an interview on the Sudanese state TV, Al-Burhan affirmed thatContinue Reading

The Sudanese Armed Forces announced today, Wednesday announced that they managed to quell a mutiny carried out by the operations Department of the Security and Intelligence services . Meanwhile SAF revealed that two were killed and four others wounded, including two officers during the counter-insurgency. It has been reported thatContinue Reading

Public Prosecution said the latest behavior of disbanded Operations Department of the General Intelligence Service, constitutes a  crime of mutiny in its entirety.  In a statement extended to Darfur 24, the prosecution warned of   deficiency in the management of the General Intelligence Service, as   mentioned earlier in theContinue Reading

A joint committee comprising government and  Revolutionary Front affiliates has paid a visit to   the displaced camps in Darfur. However, the purpose of the visit is to select IDP representatives to participate in the ongoing peace negotiations in the city of Juba, South Sudan.  The delegation  which headed byContinue Reading

On Sunday, January 5, 2020, two sisters, named, Susan and Malak, were torture by five of their family members to death. The brutal incident was perpetrated by the girls’ father , alongside the girls’ brothers, as well as two of girls’ relatives in Wadaa, North Darfur State. Relatives of theContinue Reading

The Sudanese Prime Minister, Dr. Abdullah Hamdock, is expected to perform Friday prayers in Kauda, SPLM-N al-Hilu stronghold. It’s to be noted that his discussions with the movement leaders will focus on efforts that being exerted to achieve peace in Sudan . Hamdouk’s visit is the first of its kindContinue Reading

The committee that tasked with dismantling June 30, 1989 regime issued a decision Tuesday, January 7, 2020 to confiscate all premises of the National Congress Party in the capital and the states. It also decided to seize the accounts and assets of the Al-Shorouk and Taiba channels as well asContinue Reading