March 28, 2020 (Khartoum) Sudan’s  Ministry of Health announced on Saturday that the epidemiological reports of the Ministry, confirmed that the total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus  as of Friday, reached five, including one death. However , the ministry explained in a press statement that the  total numberContinue Reading

  March 26. 2020 (Khartoum) Sudan has condemned the killing of 92 Chadian soldiers by the Boko Haram terrorist organization. However, the Chadian soldiers were slaughtered  in  an armed attack launched on the  Chadian army position in the Boma Peninsula in the Lake District.  Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs describedContinue Reading

  March 25, 2020 (Khartoum) Sudan’s  Chief Judge,  Nimat Abdallah Mohamed Khair, announced  Wednesday, a general  strike by the Sudan judiciary. According to Nimat Abdallah, the motive of the strike is  to protest against a physical   assault by army  officer   on a  judge in Al-Fao City. The judge  was attackedContinue Reading

  March 25, 2020 (Juba) Sudanese Minister of Defense, General Jamal Omar died of angina, in the capital of South Sudan on Wedneseday, he was 60. It is expected that the Sudanese authorities will begin arrangements to transfer the body to Khartoum. Meanwhile, the South Sudan mediation team has  announcedContinue Reading

  March 24, 2020 (Khartoum) Sudan’s  Minister of Culture and Information, spokesman for the Sudanese government, Faisal Mohamed Saleh, has announced   a new case of coronavirus in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. “The man who has tested postive  for Coronavirus, is a Sudanese  citizen coming from an Arab country”added the informationContinue Reading

March 24, 2020 (El-geneina) A twelve-year-old girl was killed and another person was wounded, when  gunmen opened fire on a gathering in  a water pump in the Gaderni area of ​​West Darfur State. An eyewitness told  Darfur 24  that armed men molested girls while they were in a drinking waterContinue Reading