April  6, 2020 (Zalengie) An armed group has abducted  8 displaced people from Al-Hamidiyacamp in central Darfur on Monday. The incident took place 20 km from the camp which located in  the eastern vicinity  of  Zalingei town. The deputy general coordinator of  displaced people  and refugees, Shafi Abdul KarimContinue Reading

  April 5, 2020 (khartoum) Sudan’s  Council of Ministers has revealed  suspicious movements by the  elements of the dissolved National Congress Party led by the ousted president. Omar al-Bashir was in  power for about thirty years until he was  toppled by the glorious December revolution. The government spokesperson, Minister ofContinue Reading

  April 5, 2020 – French counter-terrorism police are  investigating a stabbing incident  in which two people were killed and five injured. A 33-year-old Sudanese asylum seeker was arrested after the attack at Romans-sur-Isère, in the Drôme department in south-east France, on Saturday morning. The suspect entered a tobacconist shop onContinue Reading

  April 2, 2020 (Juba) Negotiations between the government of Sudan  and the Revolutionary Front Forces “RFF”  will resume, Thursday, in the capital of the State of South Sudan, Juba. It’s worthmentioning, that the Sudanese government and armed struggle movements   suspended their negotiation last week, at the request of SouthContinue Reading