April 15, 2020 (Khsrtoum) Sudan’s Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments, Nasraddin Mufarah, issued a decision on Wednesday,  suspending  Friday prayers in mosques  and  prayers in churches in khartoum state, for three consecutive weeks. The decision came within the framework of precautionary measures taken by the government to combatContinue Reading

  April 14, 2020 (khartoum)  European Union Commissioner for International Cooperation, Uetah Uberlainen, has announced that the European Union will supports Sudan with € 80 million to confront the emerging threat of  Coruna virus.  The senior  European official urged the World  Bank and the International Monetary Fund to place SudanContinue Reading

  April 14, 2020 (khartoum) Member of the Sovereign Council, Vice-President of the Supreme Committee for Sudanese Health Emergency, Professor Seddik Tawor announced  Tuesday, three new confirmed cases of Corona virus, including one death. Speaking to reporters  after the meeting of the Supreme Committee in the Republican Palace, Tawor  said Continue Reading

  April 14, 2020 (Khartoum) Member of  the Forces for Freedom and Change FFC ,Kamal Boulad, ruled out  formation of the Internal Security Apparatus before the coming Ramadan, due to the lack of new developments regarding the formation process, but he expected that the coming week would witness new developments,Continue Reading

  April 12, 2020 (Khartoum) Prominent leader  of the Sudanese Communist Party, Farouk Abu Issa, died on Sunday at the age of 87,  after long illness. He will be burried  at Al-Bakry Cemetery in  Khartoum. Prime minster Abdallah Hamdouk, said” we are saddened by the demise  of farouk abu issa,Continue Reading