April 22, 2020 Ikhartoum) Sudan’s Ministry of Health announced Tuseday recording 33 new coronavirus cases, while one person died from the virus. This upped the total number of confirmed cases in Sudan  to 140, including 13 deaths  and 8 recoveries ,  Health Ministry Spokesman said in a statement. The MinistryContinue Reading

April 20 , 2020 (Khartoum) Darfur Bar Association( DBA) has called for allocating no less than 30% of state governorship, and other state institutions’s posts to women. However, DBA affirmed the necessity of observing efficiency standards during the appointment process , provided that the selection is made by a mechanismContinue Reading

  A child who was less than 14 years old embracing his shoes, and crying  loudly, did not attract my attention, because I was  assuming that he was under the influence of  drug called (Aldaga minu) . Given the fact that drugs are widely spread in   Singo  gold mines inContinue Reading

  April 17, 2020 (Khartoum) Member of the Economic Committee  Adel Khalaf Allah, has revealed that  a meeting to be held this week with the aim of reaching a new vision on the general budget of Sudan. In an exclusive  statement  to Darfur 24, he said  “If a budget amendmentContinue Reading

  April 16, 2020 (Khartoum)  Sudan’s  Prime Minister, Abdullah Hamdouk,   issued a decision on Thursday,  dismissing  the governor of Khartoum State, Lieutenant General Ahmed Abdoun Hammad.The decision to sack the governor, came  amid suspicious moves by  elements of former Sudanese president Omar  Al-Bashir in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Hamdouk has Continue Reading

  April 16, 2020 (Khartoum) Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk, in his capacity as president of the Supreme Committee for Economic Emergencies, wagered on the ability of the Sudanese people, and the determination and the will of the three components of the transitional authority, to bypass the heavy legacy thatContinue Reading

  April 16, 2020 (Zalengei) Leaders of the displaced people in the camps of Zalingei,  in central Darfur, have demanded halt of land  registeration in  Hilla Jedo area, that falls under the jursdiction of Abtta administrative unit in Zalingei locality,  they also rejected the governor’s decision to register all landsContinue Reading