Sudanese Minister of Health, Akram Ali Al-Tom, announced on Thursday that his country  had recorded 67 new cases of the respiratory disease caused by the  novel Coronavirus. the pandemic had spread in 13 states, raising total cases  to 422. States affected 13 out of 18 (Khartoum, White Nile, River Nile,Continue Reading

April 30, 2020 (El fashir )  North Darfur State has recorded two coronavirus suspected cases in El Fasher this week Meanwhile , Dr. Suleiman Adam Idris from the  ministry of health , told  Darfur 24″ there is only one  laboratory in Sudan  for testing coronavirus samples  , we are expecting Continue Reading

  April 28, 2020 (Khartoum) Sudan’s Ministry of Health has recorded 43 new cases of the novel coronavirus, raising  total infections to 318, including 25 deaths and 31 recoveries. Meanwhile, the ministry stressed that patients were receiving the necessary medical care. However,  Federal Ministry of Health in east African countryContinue Reading

April 27, 2020 (Khartoum) Sudan’s ministry of health announced on Monday that it had recorded 38 new coronavirus cases, lifting total to 275, including 22 deaths and 21 recoveries. However, the ministry added that  all the new infections were recorded in the capital, Khartoum. Government authorities,  have urged citizen  toContinue Reading