September 23, Kassala — On Sunday, the Ministry of Health said that cholera cases have risen to 12,896, including 388 deaths, as the epidemic has spread across 54 localities in 10 states.

The Emergency Operations Center of the Ministry of Health said in a statement that 401 new cholera cases, including six deaths, were recorded in the states of Kassala, Northern State, River Nile, Gedaref and the Red Sea.

Health Minister Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim said that a major month-long campaign to respond to the cholera epidemic had been recommended, stressing the need to increase environmental health interventions, food control and water chlorination. 45 isolation centers have been set up in eight states so far.

The Federal Ministry of Health committed to providing support in the form of medicines and other needs, transporting them from Gedaref to Sennar, and coordinating with organizations in the fight.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) had announced last week that over three million children are at risk of cholera and other deadly diseases in Sudan.