September 17, Kadugli — The army deployed additional soldiers to the city markets and surrounding outskirts of Kadugli, capital of South Kordordan, following threats from an armed group led by Kafi Tayyar to attack warehouses of basic commodities, owned by army leaders.

Kafi Tayyar leads a militia that allied with the army after the outbreak of the current conflict, and was called the Special Task Forces. But now, his forces may attack.

Military sources told Darfur24 that the army has deployed its forces “intensively” since Sunday  in various streets and intersections of the market in Kadugli, after hearing that Tayyar’s force intended to storm the army’s warehouses. Clashes are expected to occur if they go ahead.

Some citizens are allegedly supporting Tayyar, believing that the army is monopolizing basic commodities in light of skyrocketing prices.