September 5, Kampala — The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) intelligence department in Zalingei, Central Darfur, conducted waves of arrest campaigns against dozens of civilians, following Sudanese army airstrikes on the city last Saturday. Citizens told Darfur24 that the arrest campaign targeted the grand market, neighborhoods and internet shops.

On Saturday night, the Sudanese army’s warplanes targeted a camp for displaced persons in Zalingei city, close to the headquarters of the RSF in Zalingei. Six civilians were killed and eight wounded. It was the first time the air force had bombed Zalingei since the outbreak of the conflict. 

One detainee, Ismail Hassan, who was arrested on Sunday evening and released on Tuesday, said that dozens were arrested with him and taken to the old headquarters of the General Intelligence Service in the eastern neighborhood. They were questioned by intelligence personnel about their relationship with the Sudanese army.

Ismail told Darfur 24 that he was severely beaten before being released together with others.

Another detainee, who was later released, told Darfur24 that the RSF had distributed intelligence officers in the city to monitor internet shops and neighborhoods in search of those cooperating with the army. Others said there were dozens of detainees in the governor’s house, the house of Major General Ali Yaqoub, the large prison in Zalingei, and the headquarters of the RSF east of the prison.