August 30, El Fasher — The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have deployed thousands of fighters in the city of El Fasher, North Darfur, following reports that fighting with the Sudanese army is expected to intensify in the coming days. 

Eyewitnesses told Darfur24 that soldiers were mobilizing in areas bordering the Central African Republic. Young fighters from the town of Baram, about 160 km south of Nyala, have been mobilized to fight alongside the RSF in El Fasher. They allegedly traveled last Saturday to join the front. The force was estimated to be more than 750 fighters, and 150 vehicles. 

The city of El Fasher has been under RSF siege since the war began last April. They are now trying to take control of the last military division in the Darfur region still in the hands of the Sudanese army. The fighting has intensified this month — since August 10, the city has been witnessing battles that have left dozens dead, wounded and displaced. 

The Sudanese army presence in residential areas is leading to more civilian deaths. Earlier this week the RSF bombed a hospital and the market of a displacement camp in El Fasher, killing dozens of civilians.