
July 23(Darfur24)The United States of America announced an invitation for Sudan’s Armed Forces (SAF )and Rapid Support Forces (RSF ) to ceasefire talks next month in Switzerland, which will be co-hosted by Saudi Arabia, the State Department said on Tuesday.

The African Union, Egypt, UAE and UN will attend as observers.

“Over the past 15 months, the horrific conflict in Sudan has pushed millions to the brink of starvation and displaced nearly 10 million people. It continues to cause immeasurable suffering for the Sudanese people,” the State Department said.

The talks are slated to begin on August 14 and will build on similar talks held in Jeddah.

The mediators will aim to reach a nationwide ceasefire to enable badly needed humanitarian aid to reach civilians.

According to the State Department, they will also look to develop a “robust” monitoring and verification system to ensure the implementation of any agreement.

“These talks do not aim to address broader political issues. As the Sudanese people have long demanded, Sudan’s governance must return to civilians, and civilians must play the leading role in defining a process to address political issues and restore Sudan’s democratic transition,” the State Department added.