Abu Karanka, July 23(Darfur 24)

On Sunday, resident Ahmed Al-Tayeb was killed and his brother was seriously injured as landmine exploded in Umm Rakouba area, 55 km east of El Daein, the capital of East Darfur.

One of the victims’ relatives, Musa Suleiman, told “Darfur 24” that the causes of the incident were that the two brothers were plowing their agricultral farm, when the plow machine suddenly unearthed a landmine, causing huge explosion that led to the death of Ahmed inflicting serious injury to his younger brother who was transferred to Abu Karinka Rural Hospital, while the horse which was pulling the machine died on spot

Local community leader from the area, told “Darfur 24” that these explosives and mines date back approximately 10 years during the tribal conflict that East Darfur state witnessed.

He pointed out that the remnants of war are still present and pose a serious danger to citizens if they are not treated.

In previous times, East Darfur State witnessed armed conflicts between the “Rizeigat and Ma’alia” tribes, which resulted in the death and injury of hundreds on both sides before a reconciliation was reached that led to lasting peace between them.