El Fasher , July 23(Darfur 24)Firece clashes between Zaghawa tribesmen and some renegades from the Arab tribes in the Abu Qamra area in Karnoy locality, west of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, resulted in the killing and wounding of dozens on both sides last Thursday.

One of the community leaders in Karnoy locality, Othman Harun Ali, told “Darfur 24” that rogues from some Arab tribes looted approximately 17 marahs of camels and sheep from 6 villages, most notably “Umm Marahik, Abu Hajjar, Abu Taliha, and Abu Liha,” and headed with them to the areas of Al-Serif Bani Hussein.

He added: “The panic of the people pursued the perpetrators until the borders of Wadi Acacia, and a fierce battle took place between the two sides for three consecutive days, killing and wounding dozens, and recovering some of the looted items after Wadi Acacia was filled with water, which caused the two parties to separate.”

He stated that civil efforts succeeded in containing and calming the situation in the region after a number of administration leaders committed to recovering the looted items and sitting down to discuss and evaluate the recent events.

A military source in the border city of Al-Tineh revealed that dozens of wounded people arrived in the city to receive treatment at the rural hospital, and some of the wounded with minor injuries were distributed in a school.

“Darfur 24” was not able to confirm the exact numbers of dead and wounded on both sides.

The Abu Qamra region is located on the border with the State of Chad. The region witnesses annual tribal conflicts between farmers and herders, and the looting of livestock is widespread.

The civil administrations in the region signed a peaceful coexistence document on February 25, 2023, which stipulated the cessation of aggression in all its forms, the opening of trays and stages, and peaceful coexistence among residents in the region.