Fanqouqa – Darfur 24

An eyewitness said, on Monday, that the Rapid Support Forces killed 12 citizens on the way to the village of Fangouqa in the city of Al-Rahad in North Kordofan state.

Rapid Support elements continued to attack villages and markets in North Kordofan for the purpose of looting.

Witness Kh said. Abdel Salam told Darfur 24 that the Rapid Support Forces “intercepted a car carrying merchants coming from the Umm Samima market to the village of Fanquqa in the Rahad countryside, for the purpose of plundering them.”

He pointed out that the merchants resisted the looting, which prompted the Rapid Support personnel to open fire on them, killing 12 people on the spot.

He reported that the victims were: Salah Ahmed Hassan, Jamal Salah Ahmed, Imad Ahmed Hassan, Badr al-Din Ahmed Hassan, Salem al-Hajj Hassan, Adam Ahmed al-Zaqandi, Dafallah Abdul Baqi, Amin Bilal Mukhtar, Bakhit Abdullah, Luqman Ahmed Kabir, Mukhles Ibrahim. Al-Tayeb and Hassan Al-Hadi.

He confirmed that there were other wounded.

The witness stressed that the Rapid Support personnel used to block the roads between the village markets around Amrawaba and Al-Rahad to tighten the noose on merchants and citizens by carrying out acts of killing and looting.

The markets of the villages of North Kordofan are witnessing a rise in the prices of consumer goods due to the closure of trade routes in light of the continuing looting.