Khartoum , July 11(Darfur 24)

The World Food Program (WFP )said on Wednesday that it seeks to provide financial assistance to those stranded in Khartoum State through the Bank of Khartoum via a dedicated link on its website for submission.

The UN agency indicated in a clarification on its official website that it is in the process of collecting data as part of the project to deliver aid to families in Khartoum State and using it with trusted partners and other humanitarian actors to provide assistance through an active bank account at the Bank of Khartoum.

WFP justified the presence of an active bank account because it was unable to reach large parts of Khartoum State and that it would rely on digital transfers to reach the population in need.

WFP promised families who do not have a bank account that there is an opportunity to provide assistance in the future when possible and to register data to be stored in the program’s database.

WFP emphasized the confidentiality and security of the data in its possession, without being obligated to disclose it except in the case of approval and the possibility of deleting it, and the individual can correct or erase it by contacting the World Food Programme.

The UN agency added that questions can be asked to process personal data at any time if the individual wishes to do so via phones (0900907738-0964905053-0100998230-0100998319).

Registration link