Al-Damazin, July3(Darfur 24)

An eyewitness told “Darfur 24” the harsh conditions faced by the displaced people in the city of Damazin after they fled the cities and state of Sennar , which was captured by the Rapid Support Forces this week.

The eyewitness said that the displaced people, some of whom were still roaming the streets, were forced to take shelter in the shade of trees after the concentration centers became overcrowded.

The Rapid Support Forces took control of the command of the “17” Division of the Sudanese army in the city of Sinja, the capital of Sennar State, on June 29, before penetrating into the cities and countryside of the state, forcing thousands to flee to the states of Blue Nile, Gedaref, and Kassala.

Youth groups in Blue Nile State began moving to mobilize support and arrange the conditions of the newly displaced, amid the scarcity and decline in the financial capacity of citizens.

Social media sites recorded cases of missing children and the elderly after leaving the Sinja areas.

Sennar State suffers from a disruption in communications networks, except for limited areas, while the displaced are exposed to widespread looting on the way by the Rapid Support Forces that have deployed in those areas.

Concerns are rising about the fate of the displaced in Damazin and Gedaref due to the beginning of the fall season, as the rainy season begins early in these areas.