Port Sudan, July 2(Darfur24)The Sudanese Army Commander, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, confirmed on Tuesday that he would not negotiate with an enemy that continues its violations, nor with those who support him, saying that “our duty is to prepare for the fight and see victory before us as we see you now.”

This comes after the Rapid Support Forces took control of the city of Sinja, the capital of Sennar State, amid fears of its expansion south to the Blue Nile.

Al-Burhan added, “We will not submit to any blackmail through negotiations that take away the prestige and will of the armed forces and do not meet the people’s ambitions.”

Al-Burhan said, according to the media of the Transitional Sovereignty Council on Facebook, “We are advocates of peace and we do not desire war, but we will not negotiate in a humiliating manner and we will not go to it except with pride. Our message to the mediators is that you urge the mercenaries to leave the homes of citizens, and this country will not accommodate us in the future, either us or them.”

He pointed out that the army may lose a battle, but it will not lose the war, adding, “If we lose people, the Sudanese are many, and through you we salute the steadfastness of the free Sudanese people.”

He stated that all the Sudanese people stand with the armed forces, except for a stray group that supports falsehood and the militia, according to him.

He said: “We will not let the Sudanese down, and we are victorious, and this enemy and those with them will disappear, and we will pursue them one by one. We salute our forces in Omdurman and our brothers in Al-Fasher, Babanusa, and Sennar, and all the axes are armed, joint, and mobilized forces.”

He added, “Our commitment to the Sudanese people is to hand them over the country free of rebellion or we will all be annihilated as armed forces.”

The Rapid Support Forces penetrated the villages surrounding the city of Singa, the state capital, while the army forces withdrew on Sunday night from the city of Singa without a clash to Gedaref.

On the other hand, the Rapid Support Forces expanded to the areas of “Al-Suki, Al-Dali, Kirkuk, and Umm Banin.”