El Fasher , June 26(Darfur 24)

New statistics from the city of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, revealed the continued wave of displacement from the city towards Zamzam camp, the Tawila area, and the city of Nyala, South Darfur.

Zahraa Youssef Siddiq, registration and inventory officer at the shelters for displaced people in El Fasher, said that about 90% of the displaced people who were previously received by El Fasher have now left on a return trip to Nyala, Tawila, and Zamzam.

She told “Darfur 24” that the displaced people in the shelters in El Fasher before the recent battles amounted to 7,750 families, equivalent to 39,000 people residing in 24 shelter centers within the city.

She pointed out that these centers have become almost empty today after their residents fled to nearby sites and others to Jebel Marra, Shangil Tobay, Katal, Shaeria areas, and Khazan Jadid in the state of East Darfur, the state of Libya, Chad, and the eastern states.

He confirmed that the displaced people of Nyala who came to El Fasher earlier were displaced again due to artillery shelling, stray bullets, and direct battles near the shelter centers.

Earlier, Muhammad Othman, the representative of the resistance committees in Nyala, North Darfur, reported to “Darfur 24” the arrival of large numbers of displaced people from El Fasher, estimated at 3,000 people, as an initial inventory in the centers of Nyala North.

The emergency room of Zamzam camp for displaced persons, 17 kilometers southwest of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, revealed in its latest statistics last Thursday that more numbers had arrived at the camp.

The Chamber said in a press circular, a copy of which was received by Darfur 24, that the number of people fleeing the battles in El Fasher is still continuing amid extremely difficult conditions after the rains and the onset of the fall season.

She pointed to the displacement of thousands after violent battles in El Fasher for more than a month, and the displacement of residents of the Abuja, Naivasha and Abshuk camps to the Zamzam camp for the displaced, containing them in shelter centers, and some of them in citizens’ homes.

It confirmed the arrival of approximately 10,000 displaced people, accompanied by approximately 3,000 children, in Al-Shorouk, Hilla Ahmadai, and Al-Fardous neighborhoods.

Adam Rijal, the official spokesman for the Coordination for Displaced Persons and Refugees in Darfur, announced an increase in the number of displaced people who fled from the city of El Fasher to the Tawila area, which is under the control of the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahed Nour, after the increase in violence and clashes in the city of El Fasher.

Adam confirmed to Darfur 24 that a number of people fleeing during the past two weeks reached 7,380 families and 40,025 individuals.

He said that they are living in difficult and harsh humanitarian conditions and need the most basic necessities of daily life, including food, medicine, water, and shelter materials.