El-geneina , December 20(Darfur24) A man  was killed and two members of the Rapid Support Forces RSF were wounded in the “Bir Saliba” area of Jabal Moon locality, 65 km north of El Geneina, the capital of West Darfur as   Rapid Support Forces  clashed with  gunmen affiliated with the parties with Juba  peace process.


 Sources told Darfur 24 that normal disputes between members of the Rapid Support Forces and citizens developed into armed clashes, in which one person was killed and two members of the Rapid Support Forces were injured.


The sources stated that the security tensions developed into tension between movements from parties to  Juba peae agreement  and the Rapid Support Forces.


Meanwhile, Darfur 24 learned that a government delegation headed by the deputy governor of West Darfur state, Tijani Karchoum, and the state security committee  left Tuesday morning to Jebel Moon to put an end to the crisis.