Khartoum , Feb (Darfur24) Iman Hassan, head of the defense team for the accused in the killing of the police chief, Muhammad Adam Arbab, said that her client is facing a dire health condition as a result of the torture he was subjected to.


Iman told  Darfur 24 that her client told her that he had  confessed under torture.

In mid-January,  police forcibly took Tupac from the hospital while he was receiving treatment for a broken foot he sustained during the anti-coup processions.

The Public Prosecution charged him and  others, with the murder of the  senior police officer  .

Iman added that Tupac was subjected to torture in all parts of his body, and during her visit to Tupac on Saturday, she observed  6 torture sites ( in the head, neck, nose, broken leg, cigarette butts on the hand, in addition to using nails with an electric drill .

The defense team demanded that the investigation be transferred from the police to the Public Prosecution, and according to Iman, the request was accepted.