July 20, 2020(Nyala) The Governor of South Darfur, Major General Khaled Hashem, received on Monday the final report of the committee investigating the tribal clashes between  Falata and Rizeigat tribes.
However, the tribal fighting which erupted last May and  lasted for a week ,  left a round  40 people dead and  more 60than  wounded.

Meanwhile, leaders of the two tribes are preparing for a reconciliation conference, that will kick off in the city of Nyala on Wednesday, July 22  and will continue until the July 26.

Head of the investigation committee, Deputy Prosecutor Maulana Bashir Yassin, said that the committee started probe into the incident in mid-May, and that its investigation included 10 localities,  8 in
South Darfur and the two in East Darfur, indicating that the committee had concluded that  victims of conflict were 57 dead and more than 46 wounded.

Bashir Yassin stated that the committee was able to accomplish its tasks, lauding  the cooperation of the parties to the conflict and the government forces.