May  12, 2020 (Nyala) A human rights organization has revealed
information that   contradicts the official Government’s statement on
the  fighting that erupted last week, between groups of  Rizeigat and
Fallata tribes in South Darfur.

In a statement received by Darfur24, the human rights organization
disclosed that the fighting resulted in the killing of about 84 people
from both sides, and that the causes of  the tribal clashes  were not
theft of livestock, but rather  a fight between  youths of the two
tribes over  purchase of a gun.

Speaking to reporters earlier  on Tuesday, the Governor of South
Darfur, Major General Khalid Hashim, said  that the fighting had
resulted in a killing of 20  people from both sides, and later
informed the Prime Minister that the casualties  were 30, adding that
the cause of the incident, was  theft of livestock.

However,   Darfur Bar Association, demanded that a neutral and
transparent investigation be conducted into the bloody incident,
between the two parties and that the perpetrators be brought to a fair
The region which is now  divided into five  federal States, has been
in a state of  a civil war between Sudanese government forces and the
indigenous population  since 2003.
According to UN estimates, 300,000 people have been killed and 2.3
million displaced.