April 27 , 2020 (Khartoum) Representatives of the “Troika”, the European Community and Germany, have put forward a proposal to form
the Legislative Council in Sudan in coordination with the armed movements in the event that a peace agreement is signed on the ninth
of next May.
However, the EU leaders, proposed that in the event that no agreement
is reached on that date, then a third of the council’s seats would be
reserved for armed movements until a peace agreement is reached, while
the government retains two thirds  of the  legislative council.
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Omar Kamar Al-Din,
said, Monday, after a meeting in the Republican Palace, that the
European leaders had been briefed  on the development of the ongoing
peace process in Juba, South Sudan.
Moreover, Qamar Al-Din expressed his hope to reach a peace agreement
by the agreed date to complete the institutions of the transitional
It is noteworthy that the government and the Darfur negotiators ,
yesterday, reached an agreement on the proportions of the Darfur region from the oil and mining resources extracted from the specific Darfur region, at 40% for a period of “10” years.