In light of the spread of Corunavirus, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, wrote about the repercussions of the spread of the epidemic.
The International Labour Organiazation ILO has just issued a report that workers around the world may lose $ 3.4 trillion in income by the end of this year.
This is a humanitarian crisis that requires us to stand together.Our human family is under great pressure while its social fabric is being torn apart. People are sick and scared. But the current responses at the country level will not address this complex crisis of a global scale.

This juncture, requires major economies of the world to coordinate and firm policy action that is characterized by innovation. We must recognize that the poorest countries and the most vulnerable people – especially women and children, will be hardest hit by the crisis.

Therefore, I welcome the decision of the G20 leaders to hold an emergency summit next week to confront the enormous challenges posed by the Covid 19-pandemic and I look forward to participating in it.
My main message is clear, we are in an unprecedented situation in which the usual rules are no longer valid. We cannot resort to our normal tools in such extraordinary times. Rather, the degree of innovation in our response must match the uniqueness of the crisis – and the scale of the response must equal the scope of the crisis.

The United Nations – and our global network of country offices – will provide support to all governments to ensure that the global economy and the people we watched out of this crisis are stronger than they were before.
Today, more than ever, we need solidarity, hope and political will to overcome this crisis together
